Regex for email validation
Only english letters regex
Only english letters and numeric characters regex
Regex for ipv4 validation
Regex for ipv6 validation
Regex for ipv4 and ipv6 validation
Regex for strong password - minimum of eight characters, must have uppercase letters, lowercase letters and numbers (you can change the length of the password by changing the last digit in the regex ({8,} --> {10,}))
Regex for stronger(complex) password - minimum of eight characters, must have uppercase letters, lowercase letters numbers and special characters (you can change the length of the password by changing the last digit in the regex ({8,} --> {10,}))
Regex for date validation - dd/mm/yyyy || dd-mm-yyyy ||
Regex for date validation - mm/dd/yyyy
Regex for date validation - (dd/mmm/yyyy || dd-mmm-yyyy || dd.mmm.yyyy || dd/mm/yyyy || dd-mm-yyyy || examples: (21/Jun/2002 || 21-jun-2002 || 21.JUN.2002 || 21/06/2002)
Regex for time validation - HH:MM - 24 hours
Regex for time validation - HH:MM:SS - 24 hours
Regex for SSN (USA social security number) - 123-45-6789 || 123456789 / (follows the ssn rules)
Only hebrew letters regex
Only chinese letters regex
Only japanese letters regex
Only arabic letters regex
Regex for URL validation - will match: (http || https || www) examples: ( || ||, will not match:
Regex for URL validation with no protocol (http / https)- will match:( ||, will not match: (
Regex for youtube video url validation
Regex for visa credit card validation
Regex for mastercard credit card validation
Regex for dinars club credit card validation
Regex for american express credit card validation